Why Whole Foods?

Our bodies are not meant to handle processed, packaged, and refined foods, especially in the amounts that we eat them today. Many processed foods lack enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber simply because of the way they were processed. They also often contain trace chemicals that can be toxic and cause illness and disease when consumed regularly. (Not to be confused with normally occurring chemicals in nature like H2O – aka dihydrogen monoxide-  which we know as water. Chemicals are a part of nature and a part of us).

Whole foods are the complete package! Whole live foods are full of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals, which enable us to nourish ourselves, repair ourselves at the cellular level, and perform the multitude of chemical reactions that occur in our bodies daily.  Whole foods are delicious, AND nutritious, and really are nature’s ‘fast food’.

What are whole foods? Whole plant-based foods are Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Sprouts, and Legumes. By eating these foods it is possible to reach an optimum level of nutrition where you are meeting your body’s requirements through eating a clean, varied, whole food plant-based diet. Eating whole foods will also help you to have increased energy, feel radiant, and lighten the burden on your lymphatic and immune system which will free up more of your body’s energy for cell repair and maintenance.

The road to health is paved with wholesome foods!