My Top 3 Tips for Managing Emotional Eating

I used to hear the term ‘emotional eating’ and think it didn’t apply to me. My emotions were intact and I only ate at regular meals, at social events, when the candy dish at work was out, between meals, right before bed, or when I had a wicked craving. After gaining excess weight during my 2nd pregnancy and having some existing health issues worsen, I decided to revisit the whole ‘emotional eating’ thing. What I realized when I really looked inward was that I did have issues with emotional eating, and I really needed to get them in check. I did, and here’s my top 3 tips for managing emotional eating.

1. Reaching for something to eat, and fast? Check in with your feelings! Are you angry, sad, frustrated, lonely, etc, etc. etc? When you are feeling ‘insert emotion here’ and you have the uncontrollable need to fill your face with the nearest comfort food, it is most likely because your body knows (through habit) that if you are spending time digesting you won’t have the brain energy to focus on the “problem” emotion. Yes, you are effectively numbing yourself to your issues. Eating also triggers a pleasure response in the brain, so whatever issue you were having is suddenly replaced by a feeling of ‘Ahh’. Good coping mechanism?? Not really. If you think before you eat you can often figure out what’s ‘eating you’ before you continue to eat the entire contents of your snack cupboard. Deal with the emotions through journaling, calling a friend or loved one, going for a walk, seeing a counselor, etc. These are much healthier options, and your body (and mind) will thank you. Also look out for self sabotage, if you are feeling angry at yourself or just emotionally low you may reach for foods that you know are bad for you, using them to ‘punish’ yourself. Again, check in, what is leading to these feelings, and what can you do that will be a much healthier way to get through the emotions.

2. Craving something like MAD? Can’t resist the urge to grab your keys and drive down to ‘insert your favorite binge spot here’ to feed the need? Ask yourself – what are you cravingIs it sugar, salt, fat, caffeine? Strong cravings can be triggered because your body is out of balance and needs that special something to get back to normal. Which one is it?

  • Sugar cravings can be a sign of your body simply needing more glucose for energy – have you eaten enough carbohydrates today?? Fruit is your best option here for quick, clean, fiber rich fuel.
  • What about salt? Stress much? Stress can really run down your adrenals, triggering a strong craving for salt. B vitamins like those found in avocado, sweet potato/yam, squash, garlic, leafy greens, legumes, bananas, grains, and sunflower seeds can help balance things out.
  • Fatty food cravings? You need healthy fats for proper brain function and clear thinking. It is also important for hormone building. Healthy raw fats like avocado, nuts, and seeds are all great options!
  • Java, Java, Java! Looking for a quick caffeine fix? Chances are you’re stuck on the energy highs and lows roller coaster and don’t even remember what it’s like to have a ‘normal’ energy level. Get off the coaster! Caffeine dependency is hard on your body, and can also be hard on your wallet! Transitioning to green or black tea at first can help, while also supplementing your diet with green elixirs or smoothies to naturally boost your energy level.

I found that often times my body was sending me very clear messages on what it needed, and instead of really listening I fed it more junk food, coffee, or candy and set things even further out of balance. Listen to your body! Fuel it with clean foods that respond to the issues deep down at the cellular level, and watch your cravings disappear!

 3. Approach food choices with Love for yourself. Always keep in mind that ultimately we eat to nourish our bodies. Food is life giving! If you keep this in mind when you are making your food choices then chances are that even in a state of intense food craving, or want to binge, you’ll make a healthier choice AND you’ll feel better about that choice. It’s all about the positive reinforcement.

Love yourself, nourish yourself, and feel wonderful!