
My name is Christine Graham, R.H.N. – ‘The Whole Foods Housewife’. Let me tell you my story!

My own journey towards better health started several years ago. While pregnant with my first child, I lost a very dear friend of mine to cancer. The loss was devastating and turned my world upside down. Seeing such a vibrant and healthy young woman succumb to cancer so quickly had me re-thinking my own health. I had already been dealing with my own worsening health issues, and with an extensive family history of disease that included cancer I suddenly felt very powerless and afraid of what the future might hold. After the birth of my second child and more than a few health wake-up calls, I decided to take the focus away from what I could not control and put it towards what I could control – I dove into rigorous health & wellness research.

I found glimmers of hope in the study of epigenetics and changing gene expression. I then began researching in depth on the whole foods plant-based diet and on raw living foods. With new-found resolve, and support from my wonderful husband, I made changes to our family diet and lifestyle. When we first started, I still feared that my health issues and fatigue were simply a part of my genetics and aging… luckily I was wrong! In less than a year on a whole foods plant based diet, we improved the health of our family by leaps and bounds. With simple changes we renewed our vitality, and I found a sense of empowerment and inspiration the likes of which I had never known! This sparked my purpose, my vocation: To help empower others on their journey toward creating better health.

To do that with proper care – I wanted credentials!

I am  a Registered Holistic Nutritionist through CSNN, as well as a certified Whole Foods Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and Raw Food Chef. I am passionate about food – really GOOD food. I enjoy creating nutritious recipes that my kids love to eat, logging countless hours of research and development in my plant based ‘test kitchen’. I am committed to continuing on my own personal journey towards optimal health, and to sharing my knowledge and my passion for health with other families and plant-curious individuals along the way. I believe that life should be about abundance, not restriction, and that by incorporating more plant-based delicious foods into our daily diet we can super-charge our health and truly thrive!

With a simple message of EAT MORE PLANTS, a little inspiration, some silliness, and a lot of deliciousness – I can’t wait to help YOU live well – vibrantly!