
My name is Christine Graham, R.H.N. – ‘The Whole Foods Housewife’. I am a wife, mother of 3, foodie, writer, dreamer, adventure seeker, and advocate for a plant-fueled active lifestyle!

As a recent graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN), I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N.). I am also certified as a Whole Foods Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and Raw Food Chef through the RAW Foundation Culinary Arts Institute in Vancouver. I have completed post secondary studies in both Human Anatomy and Physiology as well as Fitness Theory &Weight Training.

In addition to continuing on my own personal journey towards optimal health, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with individuals and young families to help them to achieve their own unique health goals. No matter what your current diet my message is simple, for better health – EAT MORE PLANTS! I believe that by incorporating more plant based delicious foods into our daily diet we can change the trajectory of our health story for the better in a way that is satisfying, successful, and fun!

To read more about my health journey, check out my ‘Bio‘ and ‘What a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet Did for Me’.